Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Welcome to my E-portfolio!

My name is Benjamin Ruiz de Gamboa.  I am currently a first year student in the College of Liberal Arts at the Pennsylvania State University.  Please allow me to introduce and present myself further through this e-portfolio.

About me

Fall 2011 - Spring 2012
My collegiate career really began while I was still in high school.  I started taking AP classes in my sophomore year.  Technically, I am actually a sophomore at Penn State with all the AP credits that transferred into University Park.  Through my high school experience, I brought in 21 credits to college.  Growing up, I always pictured myself going to law school to study either constitutional or civil law.  However, my first year in school has enlightened me to think about whether I should pursue graduate study in mass communications.


This e-portfolio will serve as a space for a compilation of works throughout my collegiate career as a student.  These works include written, verbal and interactive forms of communication.  Its main focus is to encapsulate who I am as a student.  For any inquires, or if you would like to just reach me in general, you can send me a message through the methods listed in my contact page.

E-Portfolio Link