Friday, April 20, 2012

Summer Breaks in College

What ever happened to those summer days with hanging out with friends everyday?  Remember those summers of constant sleepovers and hanging out everyday by the community pool.  Is it that when we grow up that things change and people change along with it?  Or is it attributed to the fact that we just grow up and these things are less appealing.  Ever since I entered high school I have been working.  Summers now are less for fun and games and more to develop experience for the real world for when we leave college.  I hate to say it because I miss those simple times, but it is what it is.  Summers nowadays involve taking courses over the break, internships, or full time paid positions.  What ever happened when we were kids are just mere memories.  I hate to sound like I am reminiscing about the past because that makes me sound like a grumpy old man, (which I hope to never be) but it is the truth.  When I graduate I plan to take one full month off and relive some of these childhood memories.  I urge everyone to do something similar because everyone is always still in some capacity a kid at heart.  It is probably said somewhere that we must let our inner child relax at some points in life.  I bet some Freudian psychologists would argue that.  I know I would.  I know the first thing I am doing this summer after I unpack and stuff is to hit up some of friends and see what they are doing.  Maybe I can convince them to do something we used to do as kids in the summer.  That’s going to be plan.  I hope it works.  Have a great summer break!

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