Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rhetoric of Lewis Black

(Courtesy of

As many of you may know, Lewis Black is a comedian.  For those of you that have not heard of him, he is your typical Jewish, liberal comedian.  I have been a fan of his work for several years and I just saw him here at Penn State tonight in the Eisenhower Auditorium.  And I thought to myself I have to blog about him for this week.  About 95% of the time he was communicating his messages through comedy, but when he wasn't cracking jokes he was communicating his thoughts like your average speaker.  As a speaker, he establishes his creditably with his audience through his jokes.  When he is not using profanity, hyperbole or satire to try to make the audience laugh, he is speaking to the crowd like an average Joe.  And yes he persuaded me!  While I was watching him tonight I realized that even though he is incredibly funny.  He relies mostly on these methods to make the audience laugh, yet the only person this had consequences for was himself.

At some points his hands were shaking so much from his constant yelling, convulsions, and gestures.  For someone that also suffers from anxiety, I can relate.  Although, I do not have anywhere near a case as he does.  I really wanted to get him a Valium or something.  I mean he is sixty three and he may be a little old for that kind of stuff.  I guess those are the kinds of things you notice out of people speaking, especially if it is for a long amount of time.  He was truly great though.  He spoke about the rhetoric of his generation compared to ours, our world with regards to social media and how Congress does not get shit done.  So it was pretty much the usual topics of discussion.   Nonetheless, it was quite an entertaining performance and in the end he got a standing ovation from the crowd.  For those of you not familiar with him, you should check him out.


  1. Glad to hear that the show was good! I actually walked by Lewis Black at The Mirage in Vegas. I tried to say hello to him but he didn't say hi back to me. So basically I think he is a total prick. I have seen his stand up act on Comedy Central and I thought it was hilarious. I think it's awesome that he was able to come here and do a show for free!

  2. Definitely seems like the show was probably pretty interesting! I'm sure if I had gone I would have enjoyed it as well. I actually really never have enjoyed stand up comedians in the past but this one definitely seems a bit different.

  3. Sounds like it was a good show! I have an obsession with Dane Cook and I agree with you that comedians have a knack to command authority/ respect through being loud, mobile, and just by making an audience laugh. I love comedy shows. Laughter is the best medicine :) I'm glad you enjoyed it.
